

Wild Ones Walkie Talkie

This event has ended
Wednesday, June 14th, 2023
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Family Friendly Free Event Group Tour Nature Walk/Hike

We were invited by the Stearns Park Civic Association of Freeport, Nassau County, to develop a Tree ID and Care ‘Walkie-Talkie’ evening which was held last Wednesday, June 14. The neighbourhood features remnants of the Great Oak Forest that covered much of the South Shore of Long Island in earlier times.

Leading was a very qualified ISA and TRAQ arborist, Olivia Calandra, from the Nassau County Soil and Water District and a member of the Town of No. Hempstead Tree Board. Two additional certified arborists from Bartlett Tree Experts, a very old firm founded in 1907, assisted by working the crowd of
about 30 people answering questions. We were also able to view some shade gardens and native landscape designers were on hand to answer questions. This free-of-charge event also made connections for us with the South Shore Audubon Society (originators of the NYS bill called ‘Birds and Bees’ which is waiting for Gov. Hochul’s signature - let her know you support passage) and the Merrick Garden Club. We are hoping that ‘Walkie-Talkies’ will become another ‘Signature Program’ that can be offered to all of our ‘Communities’ going forward. It is adaptable in structure. Let us know if you have an interest in creating one.

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